Barometer Media - a boutique digital strategy firm


Make Something Happen.™

What is Barometer Media?

Barometer Media is a digital publishing, boutique digital strategy, and content marketing firm located in Fort Myers, Florida.

The company was founded by Eric Taubert in 2005 and has experience serving the tech startup, destination, hyper-local publishing, high-end real estate, luxury hospitality, arts + culture, nonprofit, travel + tourism, and retail brand industries.

Why Barometer Media?

Weather and waves are continually reshaping coastlines — much in the same way that culture and technology are forever changing what’s effective in marketing.

Barometers forecast change before it happens — and here at Barometer Media, we read patterns, anticipate fluctuations and leverage creativity plus the latest digital technology to position our clients for optimal branding, community building and customer engagement opportunities online.

We’re small, nimble and super-responsive – always able to change courses as soon as the winds dictate.

" When you create from the heart, and put those creations out into the world for others to see – opportunities arise. The path forward becomes clear. The universe tells you what it wants next. It’s a ‘calling’ of sorts – a whisper that grows into an insistent scream through passion and continual artistic action. "

Eric Taubert – Barometer Media

Barometer Media Builds Targeted Exposure For Your Endeavors…

We are a boutique digital marketing firm with international experience.

We never accept business just to have business. Rest assured, if we’re working with you, it’s because synergy exists and we believe we can help you achieve your goals. We’re small, nimble and super-responsive. We care as much as you do!

The Barometer Media Mission

Barometer Media leverages creativity and the latest digital technology to position our clients for optimal branding, community building and customer engagement opportunities online.

Content Marketing

Barometer Media develops content marketing and digital design strategies designed to attract attention, generate social shares, augment website traffic and exponentially increase organic search engine results.

Aggressive Influencer Outreach

Aggressive outreach tactics are employed to reap the amplification benefits of influencers, bloggers and journalists. These activities position our clients as respected industry thought leaders.

Proactive Reputation Management

We initiate the discussions that you want people to be having about your company — and leverage a plethora of digital tools and channels to disperse and fortify the positive perception of your brand.

Contact Barometer Media

Make Something Happen.™